Gabriel Drag’s Dawn Away.

Dawn found herself skidding across the floor barely able to keep her feet as Gabriel dragged her to his chambers. “Please” she whimpered, “Please don’t” she didn’t know what was worse. The fear of what he was planning to do to her or the knowledge that she’d been dragged from the room while her uncle bore witness, but made no move to stop it. 

“Shut up!” Gabriel growled, “I can’t bare to hear you snivelling like a whore, have some respect” 

“I sorry” she whimpered for a last time before falling silent. 

Turning the corner they ran into Brianna who judging by the look on her face had been looking for them. “Gabriel there you are” the older woman smiled, her face now baring the mark’s of two meeting, with bruising not even makeup could hide. 

“What do you want Brianna!” he cursed frustrated. 

“I was looking for you” she replied meekly, “I thought we had an agreement” 

“What has that got to do with anything?” he sneered. 

“You told me I if I fell pregnant before you married Dawn, you would marry me” 

“Yes and?!” 

“I sure the king will not take lightly you despoiling his niece and then casting her aside for another woman” Brianna reasoned, “Better to continue efforts with me don’t you think?” 

“You make it sound like all I care about is baby’s” Gabriel hissed, “Do you really expect me to be satisfied with your stretched, lumpy and flabby body? Perhaps I feel the need for something…. Younger” 

Brianna looked hurt, “That maybe, but this flabby body has provided Hamdun men with children for over a decade. Perhaps it is not what it once was, but you did not seem to be complaining last night”

“True enough” Gabriel reasoned, “I admit you have some talents” 

“So .. why don’t you leave Dawn be” She suggested “If I fail to provide a child then you can marry her and do so with her honour in tacked. A worthy bride”

“Or perhaps.. I should take you with us… I’m sure a worldly woman like yourself could teach a young lady a trick or two to keep me satisfied” 

“You’re not suggesting…… “ Brianna’s voice trailing off clearly horrified by the thought. “Together?” 

“Yes why not” Gabriel smiled “I think two would be far more satisfying than one don’t you think” 

“You couldn’t even keep Jaedyn satisfied” a voice interrupted from behind “You couldn’t handle two” Craning her neck Dawn watched as Christopher Vaux walked up the corridor towards them his face stern. Dawn allowed herself to feel hopeful, the Vaux’s had a good reputation… well at least they had a reputation for annoying Gabriel perhaps he would stop what was happening where her uncle had failed. 

“Christopher!” Gabriel hissed, his face contorting clearly impressed by the interruption least of all by his enemy. 

“A fumbling oaf” Christopher smiled as he approached “I believe that’s what she called you… clumsy and unsatisfying” 

Gabriel released, his grip on both woman and Dawn wheeled backwards out of the way as quickly as she could. “You dare to disrespect my honour for a second time” Gabriel hissed. 

“You can’t disrespect, that without honour” 

Gabriel lunged, his fist coming up towards Christopher’s face, side stepping the young lord managed to get out of the way, sending Gabriel skittering past him. 

“Come on Gabriel I expected you to do better than that” Christopher goaded, “Or are you only capable of hitting woman” 

“I’ll have you hung!” the angry noblemen threatened. 

“I believe the punishment for disrespect, is a duel at dawn” Christopher reasoned, “I am happy to arrange it, I’m sure there are many woman who would thank me for killing your sorry ass” 

“You have no idea who you are dealing with” Gabriel growled recovering himself, but seeming to give up on the idea of a second attack. 

“You are a pathetic coward” Christopher taunted. 

Gabriel didn’t reply “You two come on” He hissed looking towards the women angry and frustrated, but seeming otherwise beaten. 

Dawn looked fearfully at Christopher praying he wasn’t going to allow him to take them. “Leave the women” Christopher insisted, stepping protectively in front of them. “If you want them, you can marry them and until then I consider them under my protection”

One response to “Gabriel Drag’s Dawn Away.

  1. YAAAY CHRISTOPHER!!!! You show him!

    *gulps* Now just … avoid getting yourself killed, ok? Please? Pretty please?

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